IDS-Intercommunity Development Social Organisation decision making structure centered on the Board of Trustee (BoT) members, including the chairperson, executive director, project director, secretary, treasurer and other member. they are elected for a 5-year tenure at the annual congress meeting (ACM) which serve as the highest policy making body of the organization. ACM members comprises of the beneficiary vulnerable and marginalized women, youth, children and other minority groups. Other participants are community stakeholders, development and donor partners invited as observers. The BOT members involve in policy implementation and meets monthly to review the organizational programme and activities.
IDS Maintains financial records with supporting documentation in accordance with Nigeria and Internationally acceptable accounting principles. Pertinent programs recorded are maintained and available for examination by independent auditors, donor partners and other authorized agencies and stakeholders open request on yearly basis. Annual audit report includes independent auditors who have verified IDS’s ability to comply with both International and Federal Government regulations and maintain internal controls.
- 1.Mobilization of funds from donor-partners
2. Utilization and distribution of funds for IDS intervention programs and activities
3. Preparation of IDS Accounts
4. Preparation of IDS Financial statements and reports
5. Ensuring adherence to internal controls and monitor compliance
6. Preparation of the Organization’s budgets, and
7. Performing any other IDS financial management tasks
1. Donation and Grants from individuals and organizations locally and internationally
2. Membership Registration fee and dues,
3. Income on investment,
4. Consultancy services,
5. Community contributions (resources available at the community level), and
6. Sales of crafts produce by trainees.
- IDS Incorporated Constitution
- IDS Personnel Policy
- IDS Gender Policy
- IDS Do No Harm Policy
- IDS Financial Management and Procurement Policy
- IDS Child Protection Policy
- IDS Travelling and Per Diem Policy
- IDS Accountability to Affected Population (AAP) Policy
- IDS Whistleblowing Policy
- IDS Protection Policy
- IDS Training and Development Policy
- IDS Emergency Response Guide
- IDS Risk Assessment Matric
- IDS Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) POLICY
- IDS Security Policy
- IDS Security Plan
- IDS Fraud Policy
- IDS Safety Audit
- IDS Community Engagement Policy
- IDS Cash Management Policy
- IDS Disaster Preparedness Plan
- IDS Conflict of Interest Policy
- IDS Data Protection Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- INDEPENDENCE: IDS act according to its own principle and Aims in order to maintain its moral and financial independence. IDS actions are not defined in terms of domestic or foreign policies, nor does the organization work in the interest of any government.
- TRANSPARENCY: IDS is committed to respecting a policy of transparency and disclosure for its beneficiaries, donors, and partners by making available all information on the allocation and management of its funds, and by providing independent verification of its good management.
- ACCOUNTABILITY: IDS is committed to regularly evaluating the effects of its activities. We assume the responsibility of accounting for our actions to our beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.
- EQUALITY, EQUITY, AND JUSTICE: IDS work to promote fairness and justice by ensure that everyone gets the same things in order to enjoy full and healthy lives in a free and just society
- Impartiality and neutrality: IDS offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We give priority to those that are more vulnerable in the affected communities. Our intervention is not based on political, economic or religious interests.